BMO Harris Bank

8840 State Line Road, Leawood, KS 66206
Status Sold
Price $1,650,000
Cap Rate 6.39%
NOI $105,478
Lease Type Absolute NNN
Lease Term 10 Years
Lease Start December 2015
Lease Expiration December 2025
Building Size 3,921 SF
Lot Size 48964 AC


Located along State Line Road, the site is afforded a strong retail location with a traffic count of more than 23,400 cars per day. The Leawood BMO branch features a 3,921 square foot building, four drive-thrus, and three points of ingress/egress to a 48-space parking lot.

The building is situated amidst numerous commercial amenities. In addition to the many businesses located in surrounding office buildings, the local market boasts the Ward Parkway Shopping Center, anchored by national retailers Dick’s Sporting Goods, PetSmart, and Target.

The area surrounding the building is surrounded by dense, residential communities. Within a 1-mile radius, demographics include a population of more than 8,300 residents with an average household income of approximately $100,000.